Male patient exercising using Cardiac Rehabilitation machine as a female medical staff member monitors him.
Heart to Heart
Taking care of your heart is our business at Sabetha Community Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation Department. Below is our many services offered through the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
Stress Testing
Cardiac Rehabilitation at the hospital uses Nuclear Stress Testing to diagnose coronary artery disease. They also use Holter monitoring to diagnose the disease. If you need rehabilitation after your diagnosis, the hospital offers two different stages, Phase II and Phase III.
Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehabilitation is a medically supervised program to help heart patients recover quickly and improve their overall physical, mental and social functioning.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at SCH includes:
Counseling so the patient can understand and manage the disease process
Exercise program
Counseling on nutrition
Helping the patient modify risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, high blood cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity and diabetes
Providing vocational guidance to enable the patient to return to work
Supplying information on physical limitations
Lending emotional support
Counseling on appropriate use of prescribed medications
Cardiac Rehabilitation is helpful to patients who have had cardiac surgery, within one year of a heart attack, diagnosis of stable angina and some cases of congestive heart failure (CHF).
Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation
Phase III of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is a self-pay exercise program available for those individuals wanting a medically supervised program. In the Phase III Program, a nurse is in attendance to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and exercise tolerance. The participant's physicians are updated monthly or as needed.
For More Information:
If you have questions about any of the programs available or would like to enroll contact the SCH Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator, Ashley Nordhus, RN at (785) 284-1501.