Picture of clip art letters to spell out volunteer.
Volunteering at SCH
The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to have it make a difference that you have lived at all. ~ Leo RostenThere are many volunteer opportunities at the Sabetha Community Hospital. Our volunteers are dedicated men and women who give of their time, energy and skills to provide the support and supplemental services that make a hospital stay more pleasant for our patients.
SCH Volunteer Core
The Sabetha Community Hospital Volunteer group consists of community volunteers, age 16 years and older, that visit and assist patients during their time at the hospital. Activities may include:Reading the newspapers to patients
Visiting with patients or writing letters
Sewing or quilting with patients
Baking brownies or cookies with patients
Puzzles and games
Administrative duties
Hospital Healing Garden
And other activities based on patient request.
To learn more about volunteering at the hospital, contact Melinda Knowles, Volunteer Coordinator at (785) 284-1518 or email mknowles@sabethahospital.com.
SCH Guild
The SCH Guild is an organization devoted to helping the Hospital provide quality healthcare services to Sabetha and surrounding communities. This diverse group of volunteers participates in many activities throughout the year such as bake sales, raffles, blood drives, and the collection of Best Choice Labels.SCH Guild meets on the third Monday of each month from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in the meeting room at the Sabetha EMS Building. A complimentary lunch is served at each meeting. Dues are $10 each year and everyone is invited to join. Contact President, Debby Thompson at (785) 284-2121 or email dthompson@sabethahospital.com for more information. Our current Hospital Guild President is Debby Thompson.